August 29, 2010

Castaway Coins and Filthy Bathroom Pumps?

I hate pennies. They are worthless. Nobody wants to keep them. There's never a good opportunity to use them. People toss them aside like half finished cigarettes, and just like cigarette butts only desperate people pick them up. There's a reason people use credit cards and debit cards; because handling coins is tedious and annoying.

Let me tell you a story about why pennies suck. While I was at university I saved up all my pennies whenever I got them. After university I counted them, rolled them, went to the bank, waited in line, and got back less than five dollars. What a waste of time and effort. Four years of accumulated this filthy discs and I couldn't even make the smallest bill, I just went back home with different coins.

And they are filthy. Money is pretty gross when you think about it too long. I'm not a super clean person, but even I cringe at the idea of holding a big mound of greasy coins. Pennies are the worst; they're like the hobo of the coin family. Practically every penny you come across looks like you'd need a tetanus shot after handling it.
I know we hear about it in the news every now and then that pennies will eventually be phased out, but I say it can't happen soon enough. I'd love to see nickels eliminated too. We'll still have enough coin variety to weigh our pockets down, don't worry. Progress, people, let's make it happen.

Getting back to the germ topic, I think that are some really dumb cleaning products out there. Anyone else remember "Fit", the stupid cleansing liquid for fruits and vegetables? Yeah, let's forget that people have been washing produce with water since forever and start using food soap. Morons.

Anyway, the most recent idiotic product that rubs me the wrong way are these touchless handsoap dispensers. The main pitch seems to be avoiding contact with the germ infested handsoap pump. Using this product is apparently way more hygienic. C'mon, people! Let's use some common sense. Whether the pump is covered in germs or not makes no difference at all ... AT ALL! Why? Because as soon as you touch it, the very next thing you do ... is wash your hands!! Goddamn all mighty Cheeto frog diaper!

Why should you waste money on an expensive soap dispenser, batteries, and overpriced refills when you still have to deal with shutting off a germ covered water tap and opening a dirty bathroom door?


RyHoMagnifico said...

So very true on both fronts. Hand cleansing dispensers in general rub me the wrong way. I mean, in a hospital or something, sure. By default, the place is filled with sick people.

There's on the wall in my office that isn't near anything "dirty". It just sits there, unused. Besides, you wash your hands in the areas you need to. Having some bacteria on your hands is normal. If people keep scrubbing their hands with anti-bacterial cleansers they'll actually kill the natural flora off of their skin, leaving lots of real estate for the really nasty bugs.

As for pennies, we all hate them, but they'll never die. We need them to round out the dollar. They'd have to abolish selling things at any less than a multiple of five, and I just can't see that happening.

kingshearte said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks that about hands-free soap dispensers. I always thought that was the most idiotic thing. Hands-free just about anything else in the bathroom I can at least understand why you'd do it. But the soap dispenser? Totally stupid.

And yeah, Ryan, those purel dispensers drive me nuts too. The stuff has its uses. Should one be a cashier who handles filthy money all day, or someone who shakes a *lot* of hands, or even is a teacher of small children who have not yet quite grasped the whole notion of hand-washing, then it makes a certain amount of sense. Beyond that, they're just destroying our immune systems.

Anonymous said...

I really think some people are addicted to those Purel sanitizers, and I agree with both of you. It's destroying our immune systems and removing healthy natural bacteria from our hands.

People are really getting out of hand and we do have immune systems for a reason, and in the words of the late great George Carlin, "If you live a completely sterile life, what are you going to do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid shit? "

cole d'arc said...

i told you not to bother saving them.